Sunday, March 22, 2009

God’s Spy

By Odon Bulamba (summary only - 30th Dec, 2005)

When God wanted to take the land of people who were the enemies of Israel, He would first send spies into that land to look around and come back with a report. God told them that they would receive the land but they first had to be clever and go and see what they will face before to fight. God gave us intelligence and a brain so we can use it and if we don’t put together intelligence with wisdom or with the Word of God, we’ll get lost. God has different ways of giving things and we sometimes don’t understand that.

God needs spies – people who can learn about foreign countries and foreign people, to learn about people in the kingdom of darkness and then bring a report back to God. In the Old Testament two spies were chosen to look around the city of Jericho and while there they met a lady called Rahab who welcomed them. These men first accepted to leave their country, their family and everything that they valued behind and accepted that they may or may not return because it is a dangerous mission. Their families would have been afraid to see their loved one leave and they would have prayed seriously for them while they were away because it is a job with serious risk.

I don’t know how these men were able to get into that city because it has a big wall and before to get into the city you have to explain why you are there and the people of Jericho would have heard their accent. I’m sure they prepared reasons for being there in order to gain access. Before to be a spy for God, you must have an objective and a specific reason for what you are doing.

These men didn’t go to a motel because the motel can take all your references and maybe tell the government. So they went to stay with a prostitute because a prostitute will take any person and they won’t tell, as Rahab proved later to by hiding them and saying to the officials that they weren’t there with her.

To be a spy for God is not hard like this story, it’s very simple but to be a spy of the world is very hard. God is asking us to be His spies, ‘I need people to work for me, I need people to intercede for others, to bring souls to Me, to work in the church, who is ready to do it?’ If you want to work for God you must accept to be a spy and to be a spy you must decide to, you must sit down and think why shall I work for God? Maybe because I need a crown in the Kingdom of God, or maybe because the city of Hamilton needs Jesus Christ or maybe because you know Odon’s family needs Christ. As Jesus said, there is a big field but few workers. God doesn’t need people to read the Bible all day long or to pray all day, but find something that you can do because there is much around us but who will accept to do it?

For example there was a man who would pray before the church service and whenever he prayed more than 600 people would come and whenever he didn’t pray only 20 would come and one day God told him that if he kept praying the church would grow to 6,000 and he was so encouraged that he did and the church today is that big because of his prayers. So don’t neglect your contribution, your small contribution can make change, can make a new world where you can get peace and Jesus reigns.

To be a spy you have to decide, ‘now I want to do this for you God’. E.g. I want to read a verse everyday and put it into letterboxes. After finding your objective you can decide who you are. When you apply for a job you are nothing but when you get the job you’ll be someone, for example if you have studied journalism you will not be called a journalist until you have a job in journalism. We who believe in Jesus Christ and have our identity of being a Christian, if we don’t have a function in His Kingdom, what crown will we receive? If you are not working, you will not receive one. We need to make an effort because God gives to those who give also. If you want 2009 to be a year of blessing, open your heart and mind and arms to give to God, not money but anything. E.g. ‘God I’ll visit those in hospital once a month’. Just find a specific work for yourself and once it’s there you’ll think where you can go. Like spies, when we face a situation, we can go back home and tell God what we saw. Remember God is with us so don’t let fear stop you from fulfilling the mission you have for God or what God gave to you.

God can create a situation where He’ll open the door for us and when we accept to take the first step, He’ll fulfill the rest for us. You don’t have to worry or fear; just tell God you want to be one of His spies because if you are a spy of God, you’ll know all the strategies, you’ll know how to fight satan, and how to bring people to God.

These men of Israel spent time with a prostitute but kept themselves pure which means that we can spend time with drunkards, liars, prostitutes but it doesn’t mean we have to join in with their rubbish stuff or that we have to stay away from them, no let them learn from you and you can only do that by praying for them and by being faithful to God. If for example we see Michael going into a prostitute’s house, we’ll have negative thoughts but maybe he is sent by God for the glory of God.

If you accept to be a spy for God it doesn’t mean that God will only use you once but He will use you the first time and see when you come back, what will be the result and you’ll tell God, ‘look I’ve been praying for Odon for so many years and nothing has changed’ and He will give you new strategies. If you go and things work, then God will give you a new work and slowly, slowly you’ll find yourself becoming someone very important in the Kingdom of God. But if you want to start from zero and become like God, it will be impossible.

These spies came in through the gate but left through a window in the wall, which means that sometimes God can open a way to start things and somewhere along the way things become tough but God will make a way out.

This year will be a good year for us but we need to think what we will do. If you have problems with people, tell God I want to forgive them and to forget about the past. After forgiving you’ll see God’s hand open to you. To be a good spy you must have a good objective so what is your plan for 2009? What will you do for God?

SUMMARY (to be a spy for God)

- We have to use our intelligence together with our wisdom and the Word of God
- Accept and decide to be a spy for God
- You must have an objective
- Ask yourself, why shall I work for God?
- Ask yourself, what shall I do for God in 2009?
- Go and see what people are doing in the kingdom of darkness
- Come back and give a report to God
- Stay pure

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