Sunday, December 20, 2020

Luke 1:5 - 2:15 - Christmas reminds us of God, the Father who lives in us

We are going to talk about Jesus and as the world is celebrating Christmas, for us Christians, it is a matter of remembering the birth not only of the child that is born but the birth of our saviour in our world.

Luke 1:5- 2:15

For Jesus to be born, for me personally and for the Christian community, it was a symbol of God’s love to send His only Son to come to earth to live among us and save us.  It was a way of teaching us human beings that we can’t complain because He knows what we live and has experienced what we go through and He understands pain, problems and challenges.  Therefore, all your problems will find a solution in Jesus

There are similarities in the birth of Jesus and John.  The parents of John were an old couple, Zechariah and Elizabeth, who had fought for years to have a child but couldn’t have one.  Then the angel Gabriel came to Zechariah, “Your wife will conceive and you will name the child John and this boy will bring Israelites to God but John should never drink alcohol or live this type of life”.

Gabriel was sent to Mary to bring the same message, “You will conceive and get pregnant and have a child and his name shall be Emmanuel”.  Mary was a virgin and was told she will conceive with the power of the Holy Spirit. They both gave birth to boys. 

If we look carefully, the Bible is trying to teach us the resemblance between the birth of these two.  They were both miraculous births but on one side, a human being as a servant of God was born and on the other side, God himself was born.

As we celebrate Christmas, many celebrate the birth of John the Baptist and not Jesus.  The angel Gabriel came to Zechariah, a servant of God who had worked for many years in the temple.  Zechariah couldn’t speak from that day on.  When Elizabeth became pregnant, the Holy Spirit was with Elizabeth and living with John.  When Mary and Elizabeth met, the power could be felt between the two babies. 

John came to preach the gospel to Israel and bring them to God while Jesus came to preach the gospel and bring the entire earth to God’s Kingdom.  Many people go to church and they experience the Word of God, they listen and they take it as physical only.  The message enters their lives but is limited to only what their ears and minds can receive and does not allow the Holy Spirit to act in them.  Therefore, they can also tell you, I have read the Bible and heard that message but they don’t change their lives. 

John was in the womb and connected to Jesus but he was not Jesus.  When you receive a message, do you connect that message to Jesus who lives in you?  When you read the Bible, do you understand that it is the Word of God and you respect it as the Word of Go?  Children respect the word of their parents.  We must respect our parents.

For John who was preaching the gospel, he reached a point where he said, “it is not me, follow Him”.  He told all them, “Don’t follow me, follow Him, he is the Lamb of God, go to Jesus”.  Many of us will stop where we are in our church, in our knowledge, and stories we hear and don’t have the courage to move forward to follow Jesus.

John was a good preacher and a good guy and was baptising people but he was sending them to Jesus.  Do you send yourself to Jesus sometimes?  When your thoughts go too far away, do you tell your mind, the solution is with Jesus.  “My thoughts, I cannot respond to that, Jesus is the answer”.  I try to do something, and I can’t do it, turn to Jesus, He is the answer.  Some on the earth will see servants of God when they have problems, “Support me, pray for me,” which is good but the last word is to go to Jesus.

When we celebrate Christmas, we remember the birth of Jesus.  What is a birthday?  Is it about their birth?  We can eat and drink or should we stop and praise God for having the privilege to have that child among us.  Usually when we celebrate birthdays, we have cake, food, singing, and we want to look nice.

How old were you last year Anna? 12 and now you are 13.  Can you go back to 12?  No, we must remember that Jesus was born in us last year and He should not be treated as a baby in our lives as we did yesterday.  We can’t say we are spiritual babies forever.  When we are 20 years living with Jesus in us, should we continue to treat Him as a child?

God has never been a child but people treat Him as one, “I don’t care what God thinks”.  We do what we want when and how we want, we don’t fear Him to be a father and because of lack of respect and fear we celebrate year after year that Jesus was born and is a child in us but we should celebrate the Father in us. 

Christmas should be the remembrance of God living in us (Emmanuel) rather than a baby born in Bethlehem.  We should think of him as Emmanuel in our lives.  Where is he living now?  If Bethlehem is my body, is Jesus really living in me? For the past 20 years, you have been experiencing living with Jesus. 

If you ask Colleen, who is Keith, she will know him very well. She know what he likes and doesn’t like, “Honey what do you want for dinner,” and it will be up to Colleen to cook for him.  Keith knows who is Colleen.  Jesus knows who we are and we know who Jesus is.  What is our duty to this God?  He gave us salvation and we have been living together for years but we still continue to act foolishly against God who gave His life for us.

When a husband and wife live together and there is a misunderstanding, they may end up deciding not to continue and to fix the problem but if one doesn’t want to fix the problem, there will not be stability in the family. 

Today Jesus is 2020 years old.  He is very old isn’t he.  We can glorify him on Christmas day but after the celebration we are mean to Jesus with our actions and words.  In the morning, “We love you Jesus,” and by the evening, do I even care.  I only care about my own life.  “I had a lot of problems today and God you did nothing”.

Keith can be there reading his book but Colleen knows what to do for her husband.  In his heart Keith is glorifying God for such a woman.  Jesus is the husband of the church.  When it is the birthday of a dad in the family, what happens?  The whole family will celebrate.  Who are we going to celebrate with this Christmas?  The angels came down when Jesus was born and celebrated and informed the shepherds.  Who are you going to inform about Emmanuel in your life?

One time in my dream, I became a santa and I had a big bag and I was going door after door and if you open, I give you something and I was giving small boxes with Bible verses.  They would open it and throw it away.  I’m giving those Bible verses but they don’t accept them.  Another santa was offering chocolates and everyone was receiving those chocolates with joy.

When it is time to inform the world about who Emmanuel is among us they do not want to receive it.  You can invite people for food and BBQ and they will come but they won’t want to listen to the Word of God. 

The angels celebrated but many people did not go to Bethlehem.  Don’t stop to remember that you have someone who was born several years ago.  When others are not singing, sing for your Lord, don’t be ashamed, He loves worship.  If you put all your mind in someone who can perform miracles or is anointed, you can learn from that person but if you want the true salvation, go to Jesus.  Don’t stick with John but move to follow Jesus and be his disciple.

Put all in Jesus not in your church or denomination.  Jesus only had 12 disciples.  Please come in and join those 12.  John will never say no to his disciples to move to Jesus.  Be with Jesus and be a disciple of Jesus and it is up to you to decide how to become one and when and what is your role as a disciple.

Christmas is not a word from the Bible but it encourages us to be near Jesus.  The wise men brought their gifts and no one else brought gifts.  The entire world was expecting the baby to be born, how many prepared gifts for Jesus?  When was the last time you gave to Jesus and what type of gift was it?

One gave perfume that smelt good and one gave gold which was full of value.  They tried to find something special to give to God. What is the most important and special thing in your life that you can offer to Jesus?  They didn’t fear the darkness (it was night time).  I have lots of problems and challenges, I can’t offer my life to Jesus.  Darkness can’t stop you from offering your life to Jesus.

After the wise men left, the angels told the parents of Jesus to leave.  They left for Egypt.  It might be late for you if you delay and you don’t offer your life and something special for Jesus, you might find He is gone.  Life is short.  If you want to enjoy life, don’t enjoy it here on earth but prepare to enjoy heaven which is eternity. 

I wish you all a wonderful, peaceful year and a year of change and things that didn’t work previously will work this year,  pray 2021 will be a year of victory as we prepare for Jesus coming back.

Sunday, December 6, 2020

End Days - Mathew 24:45 - Feed the Hungry

By Odon Bulamba

Mathew 24:45, “Who then is the faithful and wise servant, whom the master has put in charge of the servants in his household to give them their food at the proper time?”

This is a small verse that puts together what Jesus came to do on the earth.  When Jesus came down, He said, “I am the bread of life”.  He came as food, presenting Himself like food.  Today we are called to think about food. 

I like food.  Do you?  It’s good, yummy and when you eat it, you feel a change in you.  I have a sister, even if she is angry, she will eat.  You can verbally abuse her but nothing will stop her appetite.  When we are eating sometimes, we lick our fingers because it tastes so good.  It can be chocolate, pie, whatever we enjoy.

The Sun of Man wanted to show us how important He is in our life.  Without food, you can’t survive.  Jesus, who is the bread of life was tempted by satan to change the stones to bread. 

How often would you like to eat per day?  Some we like to eat 6x/day.  Some diets encourage that.  Some people will eat once or twice because they don’t have enough food.  Even if you don’t have enough food, your body will tell you that you need to eat now.

If you are young, you will ask your mother if you can have something to eat and it is the responsibility of the mother to help.  Even the father can ask the mother what to eat.  Once our bodies need food, no matter who you are, you need to find a way to feed your body. 

Jesus has given us the task to go and feed others.  It is easy for me to eat but how often do I feed others?  When I am hungry I can fight for food for myself but how often do I fight for food for others?  When was the last time you fed a stranger?  Very often if you go to our garage, you will find in our rubbish bin of garbage that we throw away food while outside, there are people who need food.

We know Jesus and we eat the Word of Life but when it is time to give to others, we are selfish, we prefer to throw away Jesus in the rubbish than to share with other people who are in need.  We were just taking the bread during communion and Jesus said, “Remember me”.  How often do you remember Jesus in your life and share with others?  We share the bread in church, how often do you share with others? If you don’t share Jesus with others, what is your reason, is it because you are selfish? Is there any other reason to stop you?

Jesus said that when He comes back, blessed is the servant who had food and shared it with others.  It is not about money or clothes or wealth but a simple thing as food.  I will give you an example, I walked to Pak ‘n Save a time ago and I came across this little boy who wanted a muffin, and the lady said loudly, “I can’t afford that!”  “Mummy can I just have one?”  The mum wanted to punish the child.  I had $10 and the muffin was $1.50, and I thought that if I bought him a muffin, I might not be able to buy what I wanted. 

I said to the mum, I can buy the muffin for you.  I said, “Choose, a muffin”.  The boy chose a box of muffins which cost $9.50.  The boy wanted to share the muffins with his brothers and sisters who were not there.  I paid $10.  As I was about to leave, a man said, “I saw you pay.  Why did you do that while you are black and he is white”.  I answered, “It doesn’t matter, he needed a muffin”.  The man said, “Come,” and he withdrew $100 and gave it to me and said, “You can now buy what you needed”.  I could now buy 10x more than what I could before I gave away the $10.

When you share food, you will be blessed more.  Some people will share bread with birds and now those birds come close.  When it is time to share Jesus with people, it is a challenge

1 Samuel 17: 17-18, this is Jesse who is sending his son David to take food to his brothers in the same way Jesus is sending us to share the gospel (food of life) with others, your neighbours, brothers, bosses, everyone.  Jessie told David to wake up in the morning, and go, take 16kg of roasted grain and loaves of bread, “These are for your brothers.  10 cheeses don’t belong to your brothers but to the commanders because your brothers are in a battlefield”.  David was the weakest boy of the family and wasn’t strong physically to carry the heavy weapons but he could carry 16kg of grains, 10 cheeses and breads.

That morning, he was told to leave everything behind, including his flock and go to the battlefield.  Imagine, you are not a soldier, “Colleen, go to Iraq to deliver food to the soldiers”.  I will worry about my security and see death coming.  Maybe I will say, “Send someone else who is stronger and knows the battlefield”.  Most of the time in your life, God will send you to a battlefield where brothers are dying spiritually and being attacked by satan to take food.

Goliath was very tall (giant) to the point that when he stood up, people would run from him, even the king.  Have you come across something that will make you panic and run away.  In my country you can walk from here to the Base shopping mall with only trees and no light with a small path.  One day at 8pm, my mum told me to in the dark to get salt from a family that lived far from our house and I had to walk through the bush.  I answered, “But it is dark”.  She replied, “You have to go, you are a man,” meaning men should not fear.

My sisters refused to come with me.  When you fear, you walk like a cat.  Then this man came out with a white bed sheet and screamed.  There was nowhere to run.  I was so scared that I sat down and was shaking and then I ran faster than an owl.  I told that family and they didn’t believe me.  The said, “Here is the salt, you have to go back because your mum sent you.  No one here will take you back”. 

My heart was beating.  I wished I had 10 pairs of eyes to see all around.  I ran through the bush and mum said, you are full of fear.  David was like a little man who comes to the battlefield where everyone fears Goliath and David says, “Don’t fear”.  Have you been told don’t fear?  When a snake enters our houses in Africa, everyone will yell snake and call the man of the house to kill it no matter your age.

When David took the food to the brothers, there were grains and loaves without fat but the cheese that is full of fat was for the commander.  Those that have put on weight spiritually, they have many problems spiritually, we need to provide them the right food. e.g., what you are doing is not right, I advise you to do this.  I might attack the person with many verses to defend my weaknesses.

David who is weak is sent to take the food.  God will send a simple person who is not an expert in the field of the Bible to bring food to you but we prove to those people we know better than them.  Instead of accepting their offer, we tell them their own mistakes (just as David’s brothers did to him), “You did this last year”.  God will look at you, foolish child of mine, I have been sending this person to help you, the message comes from Me but you reject that message.

When David reached there, his brothers said, “Why are you here, go back and take care of the flock”.  You might have an important job to do, e.g I’m a shepherd but don’t be surprised when God asks you to leave your job behind and do this for Me.  Many people wait for others to preach, share Word of God and they are not ready to give the food to those in the battlefield saying, “I’m a singer, not evangelist”.  Have you said, the battle is hard?

Sometimes I have a big mouth when watching tv, I advise the actors on tv and when I watch rugby, I yell at the player, “How could you do that?”.  It is easy to judge and comment but I don’t even know how to throw a rugby ball yet my mouth can talk.  I wouldn’t say that I know better than those in the battlefield, talk to them nicely and share the message with joy, not harshly.

Last year I was in Dubai and I was hungry.  I was supposed to reach the hotel at 7am but the security people told me, “Who are you?  Why are you here?”  “I booked the room here at this hotel”.  “Can you prove it?”  I provided proof.  They brought me to the counter and the lady looked at me, “no, just be on that side and I will finish with others first”.  I was put to the side like a black tree and after 30 minutes watching others pass, I asked, “What is happening.  I gave my passport”.  “Are you from New Zealand?  Why are you here?”  I answered, “Does that mean people from New Zealand can’t come to Dubai?”  “No, but you”.

From 7am to 10:30am I was outside waiting for my room.  I was told, “You will have to go somewhere else to find another room”.  It was a 5 star hotel so black skin shouldn’t be there.  12pm, I went to the restaurant like anyone and as I passed everyone was looking at me.  When I entered the restaurant I said, “We are here but our lives on this earth are short and the judgement is coming.  The Bible says, men will harvest what they sow.  If you plant ignorance, you will harvest ignorance.  If you plant hatred, then you will reap hatred.

People were swearing.  A man stood up, “This brother is saying the truth.  I am a Christian and we are not acting good”.  The hotel was filled with Christians attending a Christian conference.  Where is love? This was the food I was sent to share with these people.  Some said sorry.

Sometimes you can face challenging situations, God will tell you at that time to give them the food.  Bread is nothing but it can help you to not die from hunger.  Bread is important for those starving.  Don’t be worried because they look stronger, more intelligent, or more rich than you. Tell them the truth and the truth will set you free.

Cheese is for commanders.  At that hotel I spoke to these men and I spoke to the manager of the hotel without knowing.  People were trying to stop me saying, “He is the boss”.  I came to him, ‘I have something for you, you have money but what do you do to prepare for your time after this life?  Have you invested in your after life?” He responded,  “I do good to people and I assist people with a lot of money”. 

I said, “Prophet Mohammed said to prepare your place in the kingdom.  Do you know the address of your property in the Kingdom of God?  Do you know how big is your land in the Kingdom of God? Have you built something in that kingdom?”  He was happy and said, “What you are saying is wise.  Usually people don’t speak to me because of fear”.

When God sends you to share food, don’t be afraid.  I once told Helen Clark, “Everyone knows you, I wish everyone would know Jesus as they know you.  Let people know that you are Helen Clark because God allowed it”.  What is your testimony today?  Some will testify, I went to a party, I went to Raglan, I went to visit a baby.  How often do you praise God for waking up?  God is so good to me.  We don’t testify all the great things that God has been doing for us.

Sunday, November 15, 2020

End Days - Mathew 24:45 - Be Wise and Feed Others

15 Nov 2020

Mathew 24:45

Mathew 24 is about the destruction of the temple and the long wait for the return of Christ.  The temple is referring to our bodies and how we have been trying to destroy the temple of the Holy Spirit.  Jesus was showing us step by step how we are destroying our own temple and these are the signs of how we are destroying our temple.

Mathew 24:25 is about the virgins and letting us know that we won’t know the time that Jesus will come for us.  Mathew 24:48 to the end is about the servant of God whom God loved so much and is being told, “Therefore I give you food and here is your role, look after others”  but he responded, “The master is not here with me, I will do what I want,” and he decided not to feed others and to beat others up.

When you think about this, it is not about your soul but about the actions of your temple.  Since the day that you met with Jesus, you have been fed and you have been given a lot of food and I am sure when someone talks about a verse, you remember it or when a preacher gives a message from the Bible, you know that story and you remember it.

God has given us the privilege of not forgetting what we have already heard from His Word.  It is like a mystery.  You can find someone who went to church 20 years ago and they remember the Word but you may not remember what you spoke to your mum about 20 years ago.  That stock of the food is because God has chosen you to be like a master chef in a restaurant and you can cook food depending on the order of that person.

When you go to a restaurant, they will offer you a place to sit and then they give you a menu.  If you say no to drink, they will start with water.  The chef is you and I.  Someone will start with a list and say, “This person needs this food”.  Chefs know how to cook what is on the menu and are able to deliver it and he/she will cook it in a way that we can’t tell how.  Something that takes 45 minutes at home to cook will only 15 minutes at the restaurant and it tastes different to our cooking and much better decorated.

Sometimes I won’t feed myself at home and prefer to go to a restaurant so others can serve me.  Many today are hungry.  We are the master chefs of the restaurant but we have no time to cook for them.  We tell them to go somewhere else.  We can only offer you our insults, hatred, judgment and bring in the fruit of the flesh from Galatians 5:19 instead of giving the fruit of the spirit. 

This is the destruction of the temple.  Signs are there.  Jesus asks us to do good things to people.  If someone smacks your left side, give your right side.  Even if someone tries to tempt you say, “No, yesterday I fell but today I won’t”.

We have everything we need to make the food but we don’t have the willingness of serving the Lord.  We decide that we are not doing this, better to watch tv.  Sometimes I used to stay up to 3am to watch a tv series because I needed to know what is next and I would even tell myself I have to go to bed but then I will tell myself, “Sleep wait”.  I reached a point of no return.  I watched the tv series “24” from beginning to end.  I burnt my time and destroyed my time. 

Sometimes I become angry because some people in the movie did something I didn’t like.  Have I become angry when I see others going astray from God or when myself sins?  No but for things that are not important to God, I can.

Yesterday I was asking myself about the actor from the tv series, “Blacklist” who was a little person and he passed away.  He was a very good actor and I liked him a lot.  I said, “God, why this?  You should take an old person and leave this young talented man”.  Who am I to judge God?  If I can fight for the death of this person, can I fight for the soul of others?  After the death of this guy, Blacklist will continue to honour him and I can’t wait to see him for the last time.  It will be sad but I will ready for that.

Are you ready for the return of Jesus?  Will you be sad when your friends don’t enter the Kingdom of God?  It is my decision sometimes to not care about Jesus.  How many people have you beaten up since you were saved?  To beat someone means to hit someone and they feel pain.  Our tongues give words that hurt others and you can see someone crying because of one simple word.

One time in Taupo, we went to this Muslim man’s house and he was ready to give his life to Jesus.  Because we live a bit far from this area, we decided to give a sister in Jesus who lives in the area a call so that she can take the man to church.  When the lady arrived, the man said, “Is she a believer?  If so, I will not accept Jesus because her behaviour is so bad”.  That sister put her eyes down and said, “It was once only and I said sorry”.  The man did not want to accept Jesus because this sister’s mouth was like fire and could abuse any person.

Sometimes we destroy those that God sent to us and once we destroy them, we don’t care.  In Taupo, this man was told by a friend, “Do not marry this woman.  I see that God’s will is not here, go somewhere else”.  He responded, “I have already fallen in love with her,” and he took the lady and they started to live together.  20 years later he wanted to meet the wife’s family. 

They would send money to the village of the family and they would call and say, we received the money. When the man went to see the family, the lady called Anna whom he was married to had already passed away several years ago.  This man had 2 children with Anna.  How will you feel if they tell you that your wife died many years ago?  You will be shocked and you won’t believe it.  This man couldn’t believe that he was living with a demon.

Sometimes (see Genesis 6) demons can walk around and live among human beings, they drink alcohol, go to night clubs, walk on our streets and they seem very similar to human beings.  They exist.  When you belong to Jesus, you need to ask Jesus to show us the right path to walk on.  Who should we be with?  Who is our good friend, and who is not?  Many quit the relationship with Jesus and start a new relationship with demons.  They divorce Jesus to live with evil and even give birth to new fruit with that evil while they are living in our community.

That is why Jesus said, the bad servant will be thrown away from Kingdom of God because of that bad decision.  How many people will die starving from us not feeding them the Word of God?  The day of judgement will come, you have about 100,000 people in Hamilton and maybe half of them have never been fed the Word of God, why don’t I feed them? 

If you have been offering and they don’t accept, that is ok but if you don’t offer, you will look like the five foolish virgins who looked only at their virginity.  It’s not enough to be a virgin.  The Lord doesn’t look at that but who is wise and who is foolish.

10 of them were virgins but who among them chose to be foolish or wise?  You have the choice of deciding how wise/foolish you want to be.  The wise one picked up another jerry can and filled it with oil.  The foolish one didn’t.  Maybe the foolish one was lazy, or didn’t want to look ugly, or didn’t think they need it.

Foolishness comes with justifications.  Foolishness accompanies laziness.  When someone is full, they become lazy.  When we try to help them, they say, “Don’t tell me what to do, I know what I’m doing”.  The 5 foolish girls decided at the wrong time to find oil.  Their knowledge was empty and a punishment.

You are chosen among those 10.  He has chosen you among thousands.  “I give you My word, you have the grace to read My Bible, I will take you to my Kingdom, get ready for your wedding”.  Some respond, “I don’t want to be wise, I don’t want to be led by the Holy Spirit, I reject that Holy Spirit.  You gave me gifts of the Holy Spirit, but I prefer the gifts of the flesh”.

Am I a good servant of Mathew 24 who feeds others or am I a bad one who beats up souls and destroys them?  When Jesus comes back, the door will be closed.  Those that are not in the room, will not be able to enter now.  Better to stay in the Lord with my weaknesses than to go outside but many say, “I want to live my own life, Jesus you stay there, I want to do my own life outside of the church and outside of Godly life, I am tired of Jesus”.  When you go out, just like the ark of Noah, the door will be closed, you can scream and shout and He will tell you sorry, the door is closed.

Don’t fool yourself and say, “God is full of mercy and will forgive me, he will understand”.  No, when it finishes, it finishes, and you can’t change that”.

Sunday, October 4, 2020

End Days - Mathew 24:30 - Make Good Choices

It’s a joy to meet again. 

When we see each other, our eyes can give to us an opportunity to differentiate between different people.  Our eyes are important to testify what we have seen to make the right choice and see what others cannot see.  It is better to lose my arms than my eye sight.  I have friends that say better to lose everything but not my sight.

According to 2 Corinthians it is better to walk by faith than by sight.  Faith can see what eyes can’t see.  Faith can show you the right place to step where your eyes have no idea.  Faith can help myself and others prepare for Jesus.  This is today’s message.

We see people protesting all over the world because something is wrong somewhere.  People are protesting that black lives matter.  Black people feel that others think our lives don’t matter so they must protest.  When they talk about protest, they walk towards a destination.  Why don’t we also protest against satan?  Imagine if all Christians could stand against satan and sin, how strong would our church be?  We can protest for that man who died.  Maybe that was the path God had chosen for that man.

Some who are good swimmers die in the sea.  Some can die in a car crash or in their beds sleeping.  It is just a path that God uses to bring his people back to him.  No one protests against corona virus itself.  Why can’t we all say, “This sickness has been killing millions, we should protest”. 

I give these examples before I start because in life, we sometimes don’t always focus on what is important.  We make small things bigger and protest against them but I should learn to protest against sin.  When I see sin coming, I should pick up my banner and protest against sin.  I should not wait for others to join me.  A protest can start with one person.

When people are protesting, it is some peoples’ job to film.  Even when the man died, no one helped, they just filmed.  When we see others protesting sin, what do we do.  I saw a man drowning in water and screaming for help and a person just filmed it.  Lucky someone intervened.  The film maker thought it was just a joke.  Sometimes we think our sins are just a joke and not serious and sometimes we create a sin network.  If I want to gossip, I will have my network of people to gossip.

Ephesians 5:15-17, think about how you are living.  The time you are living is a serious time.  This is a time where everyone should be awakened.  Very soon Jesus is coming back. This is the time where satan himself doesn’t hide himself anymore and he tries to destroy as many souls as possible.  Sin can be seen in our eyes as normal.  People are not afraid anymore to do wrong in front of others.  Satan has removed shame and respect for the Kingdom of God.  What we couldn’t do 10 years ago, people do easily today and people clap their hands.

We are living in a dangerous time where we all must know that we have to be careful.  We must go into a confinement to protect yourself, family and children to protect ourselves from the influence of the world because Jesus is at the doorstep.  God insists, “Do not be foolish, you have the brain I have given you and you have the capacity to decide what is right or wrong”. 

Sometimes people will decide to put their dignity aside and act foolishly.  Yesterday I was at Oscars, as we were eating, Oscar left his plate because the phone rang.  On his plate was a nice piece of fish. Because Oscar was distracted, I took the nice fish and ate it and replaced it with a head of fish.  When Oscar came back he knew straight away that it wasn’t his fish.  He lost control denied the plate was his.

Don’t be shocked when you come back to your Bible after being distracted that things have changed.  You can be fervent in prayer and if you stop for 2 days, it will be hard to come back to praying.  It is the same with reading Bible.  If you are distracted, it will be hard to put aside by your distractions. 

Nadege likes to chat on the phone helping others to be on the right path but it means she is up until 4am.  The next day, she can sometimes still be in bed until 3pm.  Something has taken her in a different direction.

What is a blind spot of your life?  You are in your car and a good driver and have your licence and you know your roads around you very well.  Behind your wheel something happens and you didn’t see it.  Two seconds from your car hitting it, what will you do?  Scream, slam breaks, freeze.

A blind spot is a spot where you cannot see.  You can see but something blocks you from seeing what is coming.  It’s a threat not only to the driver but to other road users or those walking.  One time I was driving and the bus stopped so I went passed but then someone on other side of the road came on my side of the road and I screamed but thankfully we both stopped in time.

You have a rear-view mirror in your car but you are not able to see everything that is behind you.  What do you do when you are reversing your vehicle?  What do you do first?  You must check.  How often do you check your life when you decide to reverse spiritually, when you are regressing spiritually?  Have you done an exam or test of yourself?  If I pull out/reverse of my spiritual life, I can kill myself and others.  What happens if I decide to not to read my Bible every morning or pray every day.  What is your plan?

Everyone driving has a plan in their life.  When you reverse in your life, what is the next destination.  That is the problem of not seeing behind you what you may kill.  When we decide to reverse spiritually we kill some of those fruit of the spirit.

A child knows its bad to steal but decides to steal.  When asked, who did this.  They will lie.  They will destroy the truth to sin.  They will give justifications or accuse others.  It wasn’t me.  They don’t see where they are going.  If you sit in your vehicle with a reverse camera, you may stop and see what is behind you. 

What tools do you use when making your spiritual decisions?  Praying, church, Bible study, helping others, sharing gospel with others.  I made the decision that I will share the gospel once per week but I change that promise.  How many lives are lost because I am reversing my spiritual life?  Don’t be foolish and think that it doesn’t matter.  Why can’t I protest against the decisions that I don’t fulfil, my false promises and make a decision to be honest with myself and others.

Some people drive from lane to lane, left, right, left, right without indicating while driving at 100km/hr.  How often do we change our lanes?  God has given us the path to follow but we don’t remain in the faith and we move in the fruit of the flesh.  We are shifting from left to right and we become a stumbling block for others.  We are a danger to those next to us.

We just decide to change the lane because we believe we will reach where we go faster.  110km/hr is the max speed limit.  One time I saw a person driving 130km/hr and they overtook us.  20 mins later and we saw them again because the traffic had slowed them down.  You can drive fast but it doesn’t mean you will get their earlier.  If the police catch you, there will be a consequence.  Sometimes we break the rules believing we will get something but we will end up in the same place.

Do you know the rules of God?  That is the will of God for you.  What is the will of God for you?  John 3:16, He doesn’t want to see anyone perish, He wants all of us saved in his Kingdom but we choose not to by deciding to go in a direction where we will perish.  When you don’t follow the road code, you can have an accident.

After eating my brother’s fish, Oscar didn’t say much.  I was watching him.  He went back and took another piece of fish.  He ate.  I took back my fish head and put it on Hayley’s plate.  She didn’t touch it.

The world can sometimes destroy your comfort and step into your plate of life and make it look yuck.  If something leaves left-overs on your plate, you will change your plate.  Oscar didn’t change his plate, he kept eating the rest.  When someone disturbs you, do you blow up everything or do you ignore that bad pressure from the bad corner?  When someone steals from you, do you become angry?

The blind spot in your life is when you cannot control things.  When you lose control.  You forget the presence of Jesus and then you hit something.  Slam on your breaks which means to have self-control.  When someone hurts your feelings, you become angry but then you need to slam on your breaks.  Your heart will pound.  Close your eyes and block your ears.  If you open your eyes you will attack or if you open your ears, you will hear negative things.

Although a bus is stopping on your right side, don’t go by with high speed.  Slow down when its time to slow down.  Don’t rush.  Even if someone is telling you something huge, take your time and ask God to help you. 

Colossians 4:5, we must walk wisely towards strangers.  When you meet with people and they don’t know you and they don’t know if you are a Christian, do you behave as a wise person?  Wisdom comes from God and it’s a blessing to be children of God because He gives us wisdom.  When we see strangers and friends are not there, how do we act?  Do we do what they do or do we help them to understand that their lives do not please God?

One time I spoke to one of our boys.  I asked if he had tried to drink alcohol and he said, “Yes because my friends gave it to me and it wasn’t good”.  In my house, he will never do that but when he went outside the house with people that we don’t know, he was offered something.  Satan is our enemy and targets us when we are outside of those that we call Christians.  At work you will see someone talking against God’s ways or propose sins and you will participate because it seems normal.  God is asking us to walk wisely.

Wisdom is to decide what is right and what is wrong and to choose what is right.  One time I was given vegetables and meat and I was asked to choose which one I want to eat.  I’ll go for meat.  Why meat?  It tastes good.  After eating, the person said, “It was a good choice to please your mouth but vegetables are more important than meat”.  Very often we limit ourselves to our taste, this is fashion, this is how the world looks and if I don’t do like them I will be different. 

We are different because we don’t belong to this world.  Just because Shakira wears those clothes or dances like that, we should.  We will look foolish in God’s eyes.

Our older brother who passed away wanted to be buried about 70km from the capital city where his ancestors were buried.  He’s dead and his body won’t say no.  We can put it anywhere.  He believed that his spirit will help others who come to visit his grave.  I told Oscar to put that aside and we instructed them to put the body somewhere else.  We sent young persons to prepare the place.  The family found it was wrong place but it was too late to change the place so they accepted.

When our collegues or friends are wrong, we can help them.  Don’t be ashamed of our belief.  Use your eyes to see.  God helps us to see everyday situations.  God is coming back very soon before we are old, at any minute, Jesus can come back. Are we wise or not?  If not, He won’t take us.  Remember the story of the 10 virgins, if you are not among the wise ones, you will stay behind.  Please be wise. 

In your prayers, tell God every time, “I need wisdom”.  Once you have wisdom, you will have more.  

Sunday, September 20, 2020

End Days - Mathew 24:29 - The Time of Darkness (Noah)


By Odon Bulamba

It’s a joy to be here again this morning.  We will carry on with Mathew 24:29

Last time I said the sun and moon will turn to darkness and the stars will follow.  When I was a child I was courageous but the only thing I was afraid of was darkness.  I could be naughty during the day but if my mother told me to get outside when it is dark, I will scream and ask for forgiveness. During the day, I will say, “I will do whatever I want,” but when I got back in the evening, I will be told to get out.

Darkness can teach you something.  It is a time where we have eyes and sight but we can’t see because of the lack of light.  When darkness appears, we will not say we are blind but the absence of light makes us see differently.

One time I was living in Uganda, we were supposed to go through a forest.  During the day we can’t cross, it must be night-time.  We were five people including my brother Oscar.  We saw a lion in the darkness.  We walked for 5/6km but it felt like we walked for 10 days due to the fear.  My body was shaking because I could see the danger of being killed.  However, some people are happy to see darkness so they can do bad things.  E.g. nightclubs and all other evil, prefer to operate when there is no light so people can do their acts in secret.

We are living today in a day that has no light.  Evil is now in action.  Danger now surrounds Christians.  How much temptation are you tempted by per day?  Have you tried to write down each time you are tempted?  My heart or body can ask for something wrong.

Yesterday, a witch lady rang me.  She is an extremely old woman of around 90-100 years old.  I see a picture of someone come up on my phone that I have never seen before.  She said, “I am a witch, a snake and I want to work with you so that you can become someone big in this world”.  My heart was beating.  Then my phone rang, the person said, “This person can help you to become extremely rich in 3 weeks only”.  I thought, my wealth is in heaven not on this earth.

My Father wealthier than what she thinks.  If my heart was not in a good position, I might think it was a good thing and I might easily take that position.  Looking at the lady herself, she can’t move or walk and she is ready to give me something that herself doesn’t have.

Satan will promise us something so we will become famous and get respect but never accept to work with satan.  The sun will be turned to darkness, many Christians who don’t see properly, they will accept satan’s offer because they think it is accepted in secret.  Once accepted, you compromise your faith and you become the slave of satan instead of Christ.

Suddenly I saw the rates from Hamilton City Council and bills kept coming in.  If I accept this deal, I won’t mind paying my bills but my soul is more important than my bills.  For that reason, Jesus said light won’t be there and then heavens will be shaken and suddenly the sun of man will appear in the sky and every eye will see Him.

Before the end of the time, God has told us that things will be exactly like the time of Noah where people are eating, drinking, and getting married.  Genesis 6, you will read and you will see even angels came down and found that the children of human beings were extremely beautiful and angels adored our beauty and the angels accepted to sin.  Today beauty has taken the highest level that the world can consider.

If someone appears on TV, they must spend 4 hours first to look beautiful.  If we are invited to a party, we want to appear beautiful.  Our beauty is higher than what God found beautiful.  God created me and I believe I am handsome the way He created me but when I look at myself in the mirror, I start to correct what God created, I’m bald, my nose is short.  I might give myself 2/10 because I compare myself to others.

God looks at us and thinks, who are you to correct me and believe that you know beauty more than me.  That vanity of wanting to look impressive and beautiful has led thousands in sin.  What is your purpose to look beautiful?  Is it so that others will appreciate you and for you to get glory while God wants all the glory?  We are now fighting for His glory so we can also be glorified and to be seen.

One time I was talking to two ladies from different corners of our country.  One looked at the feet of the other while the other looked at the other’s dress.  “Her shoes are not as good as mine” and the other one, “The dress she is wearing is not as good as mine”.  To buy a car, glasses, we want something greater and better than others so that wherever we go people can appreciate us.

My shoes maybe cost me $20 and when I see Leah’s shoes, I see fashion.  Every single young person will know Vans shoes but when I hear the name Van, I think of transport.  They are worth more than $100 for a pair of shoes and if mummy tells the kids, “Lets buy food instead of Vans,” they won’t accept it because they want to be seen by others as special in their Vans.

Our eyes most of the time focus not on the light but on physical things that we see.  Our light is Jesus but our focus is not there and we want to walk in darkness and appreciate what the world gives to us instead of appreciating what God has given us.  Every girl today can be a Miss World.  How many beauticians do we have in New Zealand?  Maybe thousands.  Our neighbour is a beautician and we see many cars arriving at her house per day. 

Physically she’s not that beautiful.  People want to look more beautiful than her.  People walk in and they come out looking more beautiful. They rush in so they can’t be seen and when they leave, they walk slowly, “Stop, look at me now”.  That appearance does not last.  After a few weeks, they go back again. 

If you are beautiful in the Lord, you will shine every day.  People will see the glory of Christ every day and you won’t need to take care of your body that much because you are preparing the body for the One above.

I eat like a pig and I know some people who have a diary of food.  Monday at 6pm, peanuts.  Monday at 8am, egg whites.  Some people have very good discipline even if they are dying hungry.  They don’t have a big tummy like I do, they are fit and healthy.  Imagine how healthy you would be in front of the eyes of the Lord if you ate spiritually healthy.  Sugar is bad for us.  Open your Bible, what is bad for your soul?  Although the sugar tastes good but it is bad.  What is bad for me? Sin, it can be tasty but it is bad for me.  I am on a diet and I must protect my soul.

Today, you will see all people fighting to eat healthier which is good.  One time in Paris, I looked at the menu and the meal was so small.  It was healthier so it was more expensive and portion size was much smaller.  Do you know that the Word of God is very expensive? Do you know that Word of God is well prepared by the best chef ever, Jesus who has been serving this to us day after day but we complain, we don’t want this, it doesn’t taste good, we prefer KFC. 

Our desire, our mind is only on the world.  People were eating in the time of Noah.  Everybody wants to get married.  Married to whom.  Not to Jesus or the Word of God or to God our father but to human beings which is normal but not for the purpose of forming a family that pleases God but one of sin.

It is better to marry a poor lady than a multi-millionaire.  Today, if you have a lot of money you can marry anyone.  Many will tell you that they love you but they only love what you possess. When you don’t possess what they expect you to offer, then that love will die.

Our father, Jesus, our Lord, our God has offered us life but we are not grateful for that, we want more.  We can be like those angels like the time of Noah where we start to envy other creatures and go astray.  The world has become crazy. 

It is as it is written in Romans 1:5 onwards where the Bible says clearly that man will go for man and women for women.  Pastors read it but because we are living the similar time as Noah, the pastor will still bless a same-sex marriage.  You call this house the house of the Lord and you say that you read the Bible but you don’t accept certain verses of the Bible and only consider where God says, “This is what you have”.  This is a serious problem of the church today and if we don’t open our eyes to see the light, we will live in darkness and when Jesus comes back, we won’t be aware. 

Today I came late on purpose to see what would happen.  I wondered how you would respond, “We have started the programme, who is going to preach?  Where is he, what happened?”  Maybe this created worry and doubt.  What will you do Tyrone if the preacher is not here?  Maybe there is no plan B.  When the time of Noah was there and he was building the ark, he was telling people to repent but they didn’t believe him and their minds were only on looking to marry beautiful people and a life of partying.

Finally, the Lord came and it was time for the rain and when God came down, He locked the door of the ark.  The people couldn’t find salvation anymore. God was the barrier.  Noah had neighbours and because they were late too come they could not enter the ark.  God said to collect the animals. The animals were so respectful and walked into the ark politely but human beings said no.

Once the door was shut, many would have shouted, “Open the door,” but he couldn’t open the door because God had shut it.  When you come late, people worry about you.  Aren’t you sometimes late to God’s plan?  When you give yourself the assignment to read the Word of God every morning at 6am, do you do it?  When you have an appointment to pray for someone, are you on time?

The first thing God taught us was time, He was creating things on time.  As the time is moving, the day is also moving forward and you can’t stop it.  If you say you will start church at 10am, if we are late, the time will keep moving forward and God will say you are late.  Once we are late, we can’t justify ourselves, just repent.

We are late today to give the gospel to others.  Since the time of your salvation, how many promises have you kept with God?  When was the last time you surrendered yourself in God’s hands?  Noah knew exactly what he was doing building the ark.  Have you built your ark?  Those measurements God gave you, “Start here, step one, step two,” how many steps have you done?

Lebon had a true a experience in his life at Lois’ place and how he was so scared of cows and even to touch a baby cow’s mouth.  It was a big experience to see a farm and he wanted to become a farmer and he had extreme joy.  If I go through my junk, I can find the DVD of Lebon being on a farm for his first time.  Even children can enjoy learning something new and we must teach them new things. 

What we are doing is important for Christ’s return.  If you focus only on eating, drinking, and parties, according to God that is a big distraction.  The main party we are waiting for is when Jesus comes back and then we can have a big feast.  Let us seize the opportunity to talk to others about Jesus.  Don’t go to parties to create envy in you.

Sunday, September 6, 2020

End Days - Mathew 24:29 - The Stars will Fall from Heaven


By Odon Bulamba

Mathew 24:29, today we are going to talk about the stars.

It is written in the Bible that stars will fall from Heaven.  Imagine the stars falling.  What will happen on the earth if they fall?  We don’t know how big they are or the damage they will cause to the earth.  Normally stars are another type of Christian who don’t shine that much and don’t produce light to show us the path.  Those type of people are Christians are really far from God.  When you meet with them and you are told that this person is a believer, you are shocked because the way they live does not reflect God’s light, at all.

When I was growing up we had kerosene lamps to light the house but without the kerosene oil, the light starts to die.  Today, the number of Christians that are like stars are more than the true Christians.  You can visit churches all over the world and see a greater number of Christians whose light is failing compared to the true Christian that is shining the light of God.

Satan is called a star, God is called a star, we are called stars, and there are stars in nature.  Satan was a star but was kicked out of heaven because of pride, he wanted to be worshiped. In Genesis 15:4-5, you will see Abraham was visited by God and going through a serious problem of not having a child and God told him, “Come outside your tent,” and come out.  He looked towards the heaven, and God said, “Count the stars.  Then the number you have counted will be your descendants and your children”. 

Have you tried to count the stars?  You won’t have time to bother yourself because there so many that you can’t count them.  My mum used to ask me, “How many children will you have when you grow up?”  I wanted a small number but for Abraham God is asking him to count the stars to determine the number of descendants you want. 

How many stars will you count?  How many children do you want Rebekah?  Four.  Not 4 hundred?  We all believe we don’t need many children because the more children means the more trouble and challenges we will face.  All of us are Abraham’s descendants.  How many stars did he count?  Many.  Once you count a big number, you get lost. 

As we are born again and the light of the world, God asks us sometimes to come outside from our tent to start to count the number of believers that are not shining anymore.  He asks us to count the number of those that are counted as Christians but are no longer the light for God because their light is hidden.  Once counted, we will take the responsibility of becoming their parent, care for them, look after them, pray for them, fast for them, preach for them, come close to them and treat them like our own children.

Someone can be older than you physically but can be younger than you spiritually even if they met Jesus before you.  How much do you care for you children?  When you think about your children, how do you feel?  You may see hundreds of children at school but when it’s your child, you give them special attention.  You go to school because you have a child there and you prepare them to go to bed, feed them and be there 24/7 to protect your child.

Abraham was given this huge task of becoming a watchman.  Are you a watchman of those who are not shining anymore?  Those stars will fall.  When satan was thrown down, he was thrown to the earth.  Our bodies came from the earth and that is where physical life is, eating, drinking and sinning. 

Many of those who are not shining the light of Jesus, they continue to fall in sin, they are sinners.  Once they were saved but have decided to go away from the gospel and live like sinners, they are falling.  Now fallen, we don’t know who will pick them up again, this is the big responsibility we have.

Pray you will never be like a star.  Many people have created gods around the stars.  We have no choice than to come outside and help stars.  The message of Jesus was to make disciples.  We have these disciples who are lost and they need to come back. 

For example, Trish’s cat Cody got lost because Trish moved houses.  He kept going back to the old house.  Trish would do her best to bring him to the new house but he kept going back.  She tried her best and she loved Cody but Cody doesn’t care about Trish’s love and care.  Imagine how hard it was for Trish that her cat is back and she has happiness but after some time he disappears.  She keeps hoping he will come back to join the family.

When a child of God leaves His family, God sends someone to bring him home but even when they come back to church, they leave again.  Do we get tired?  Do we give up?  God has been encouraging us, don’t give up, don’t get tired.  If just one soul is saved, it is a big party in heaven.  Don’t feel like you have done enough, keep helping, their number is enormous and God wants these people to come back to Him again.

It’s a big task, a tough one.  You may go to that person and they may give you many verses to show you that you know nothing but your victory will be in your prayers.  Your words won’t change them unless God is in you to change those people. 

Sunday, August 2, 2020

End Days - Mathew 24:29 - The Moon will not Give its Light


By Odon Bulamba

We are going to talk about the light again.  Last night I talked about the sun, today we will continue with Mathew 24:29 and talk about the moon.

We all know the moon and we see it at least once per month.  It will appear in the sky without asking for permission and it just appears and you see it.  The moon will be there for some days, maybe 7, and then it will vanish again.  The sun is unique because there is only one sun but there are many moons in our galaxy but only one that shines on the earth.  Then there are stars which are too many to count.  When we think about the big number of moons, more than 190, it is like a crowd. 

Mathew 24:29, apart from the sun, is related to Luke 14 and we will match those two verses and see. Luke 14:1-4,It happened that when He went into the house of one of the leaders of the Pharisees on the Sabbath to eat bread, they were watching Him closely. And there in front of Him was a man suffering from dropsy. And Jesus answered and spoke to the lawyers and Pharisees, saying, “Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath, or not?” But they kept silent. And He took hold of him and healed him, and sent him away”. 

When I’m talking about the moon, I see a celebration.  Many people think the moon is good, soft, beautiful, kind and there are zero adjectives used to describe the moon as bad.  We have this category of Christians, wherever they go, they appear soft, kind, and good and all positive things that the world gives to them and for them that is beautiful but in front of God, they don’t shine all the time, they only appear for a few days and then vanish and become covered by darkness.

Sometimes we see the moon shining and you can see the path but other times the moon is not there and you can’t see what is in front of you.  We are living in the sabbath day, the last period of time before the return of Jesus and Jesus is now invited into a Pharisee’s house.

A Pharisee is human being who knows the gospel, reads the Bible and prays but lives like a hypocrite, he/she is not 100% committed to the Lord.  They know the Word of God but they don’t practice it.  Some people like the Pharisees invite Jesus to come for dinner to celebrate.  At this dinner you will see other people (moons) where they will listen to hear the Word of God.  They come to church on Sunday and shine but after the service they are different people.

Jesus knew he was being watched at the Pharisee’s house.  He went by himself, without the disciples.  He accepted to sit with those that are not true Christians.  We can be wrong but when we invite Jesus, He responds.  When someone tells you, I don’t have Jesus with me, it is possibly because you haven’t invited Jesus in your life.  How often do I invite Jesus in my life regardless of my hypocrisy?

Normally when we invite people to a party or dinner, we think about food but it is really about fellowshipping and talking and catching up and spending a good time with others.  If you come to a dinner only for food and forget about making a good climate with others, you won’t enjoy the dinner.  If people talk negatively about you, you will lose your appetite.  Sometimes, you will think, why did I come to this dinner because people are being rude.

When you invite Jesus to visit you, “Please Lord listen to me,” you must ask yourself, what have I prepared for Jesus?  What conversation are we going to talk about?  What seat will he sit on when he comes into my heart?  What will be my thoughts and my prayers when He comes? Did I prepare myself to welcome my guest?

Very often we don’t have time to contemplate about the moon, we very often sleep or rest during that time.  This category of Christians that try to impress a little bit to their friends and other believers, they will look at you for a bit but then go to sleep, “better to sleep than to listen to you”.  You have decided to be soft and extremely kind and afraid to offend by talking about the gospel.  You are afraid of others seeing you pray or holding your Bible and reading it at lunch time.  You want to be a Christian but living in hypocrisy so others can’t see who you are and who you work for.

In Luke 14, this man was sick but when he went to dinner, he forgot about his sickness.  Maybe those that we invite, those we pray for to become Christians, they may have some disabilities, they may be sick but that should never make us to not invite them. Many people in my country and community don’t want to hear about Jesus but because I am organising a party and because I am like a moon, in my hypocrisy and weakness, I should also invite others.  Come so we can eat together.  The person you meet might meet Jesus through you.  Through your behaviour you may save others. 

When Jesus sat on the table, He looked around.  The man didn’t say he was sick but Jesus discovered by looking at him.  Jesus could tell he was suffering without being told.  Jesus gave him healing.  The person didn’t stay to eat or celebrate, after healing, Jesus said go away.  He came to eat but the Master, the Healer said, go away without eating.

Imagine you invite someone and then someone else tells your visitor to go away.  The dinner was like an opportunity to come closer to Jesus.  When we are invited, we prepare ourselves.  When someone invites you to dinner, you must prepare yourself.  According to your culture here, you first want to be on time and then ask what you should take with you.  You will also be clean.

For some people when they are at the dinner, they start to complain.  I wish I could be at that table.  We complain while it is a privilege to be invited, to be one of those that receive the invitation to be with the master.  How often do you complain about your time to pray, reading the Word of God, visiting those who are sick?  How often do you complain when Jesus has given you a space in the room but you don’t want that space in the room?

Some will say, “I have been praying for days but God doesn’t respond.  I am sick of it.  I am tired of asking God and not getting a positive answer”.  Jesus who created everything, He asked those people, is it lawful to heal someone who suffers?  God who created the laws asks us if it is lawful.  He is not talking about working on sabbath but healing. 

In your life when he comes to you, is it lawful for Jesus to heal your friend to do something in the life of someone you know?  What will your answer be?  You might say, we are here for dinner not for praying, we should remember our purpose here.  I have been in a situation where I am on my way going somewhere but then find myself in a different direction.

This man who was inviting Jesus to eat with him, now Jesus has turned everything to healing.  You must wait until I have healed this person before to eat.  Do you know anyone who is spiritually sick in your family/community or are you yourself sick spiritually who need healing?  Sins are sickness.  Maybe you need healing from hypocrisy, stealing, or other sin you have.

Are you ready to accept from Jesus that it is lawful to heal those sins in my life?  But in the house of the Pharisee, the Pharisee himself didn’t say heal me, he believed he was a prominent man in the community and did not believe he was sick spiritually.  No one else asked to be healed.  Like the more than 190 moons that do not shine, only one shines like the person who was sick and presented himself.  In the crowd, there was possibly others that were sick but they didn’t want to show themselves.

When you complain about a party, it might be about it starting late or the music was too loud.  When we complain, we sometimes hurt God’s feelings.  I’ve heard someone complain about their appearance, “I don’t like the way God created me”.  The creator who found He created you good, wonders why you are complaining.

Sometimes we complain about food and God who is the provider hears you complaining. Instead of being thankful for all that God has given us.  I’ve heard parents complain about their own children.  Some complain about their neighbours.  You can complain about the behaviour but not the person.  When you complain about others, you are trying to correct God.

The moon Christians will change to darkness.  How many days do we have in each month?  Around 28-31 days.  Those people will only shine for 7 days, the remaining 21 days they will live in darkness.  During your 24 hours each day, how many do you shine in the world?  How many hours will others see you passing and know that you bear all the fruit of the Holy Spirit?  How often do people look at you and think they are not happy to meet with you?

When you shine, do you sometimes look around and ask yourself if your light is helping others?  The sun will provide vitamin D.  What does the moon give to us nutritionally?  It doesn’t give us anything great for our lives.  We can’t put our clothes on the line for the moon to dry them.  When the moon comes, we take beautiful photos of the moon but that is all. 

Your presence in the world has a purpose.  If you are shining like the moon and it doesn’t help others, you still have the chance and grace to shine like the sun because you were chosen.  Tell Jesus that you want to shine like the sun so that others around you can benefit from you.  I don’t want to be darkness for more than 70% of my daily life, please make me shine for others.

When we are cold, that is when we think about the sun.  The presence of the sun warms our houses and lives but when your presence in other’s lives makes them to continue to live in coldness, it means that you must increase your potential.

At the end of time, the moon will be changed to darkness.  When darkness comes, we get lost and can’t see the path or the way.  Jesus is the path.  Those that live like moons will start to go astray and walk in a different direction because there is not enough light.  Come close to Jesus and let Him help you.  Come as you are, tell Him you are sick, “help me, I have a privilege because I am a moon that shines a little but I want to shine more to be beneficial for others”.

On the day of judgement our deeds will follow us and we will be asked, “What did you do with what I gave you?”  What will you answer?  You may say, “Yes people saw me once a while,” but God will tell you, “You should live for Me but you are living for money, joy, friends, parties”.  If you are not living for Jesus, start to ask Him, “How can I live for you?  What can I do for you in order to live for you?”  It doesn’t mean to quit your job or studies but wherever you are, be a Christian, talk about Jesus without fear or reserve, warn others.

Sometimes be tough.  I heard that the queen of England is very sick now and we are not sure she will make it.  Someone called me this morning and he said, “You know she is sick?”  “Yes, I heard.  Oh Lord, we want her to be alive”.  We can pray for her but it is a privilege to reach that age.  Let’s pray she gives her life to Jesus.  She’s an Anglican but it’s not about what church you go to but it is about repentance and being ready to meet with the Lord.

Sometimes we only want to pray for physical things.  If you pray for their spiritual life, they will tell you not to judge them.  We are in the end days.  Jesus is coming back soon.  It’s a good time to position ourselves.  Are we guests of this world just to eat, going to the movies, or are we here to find the true healing and walk God’s way?  Are we full of hypocrisy to just entertain others or are we here to be the light for others and telling them the truth before it is too late?

When Jesus says it’s time to go, there will be no chance to eat anymore.  Sometimes we think we are on this earth to celebrate but are we going to accept the healing and go away or will we continue to eat and be spiritually sick?