Friday, March 27, 2009


By Odon Bulamba (summary only)

Genesis 22:1-14

Abraham was a man of God. He was a son of God, like you and me. Abraham wasn’t different from us. God asked him something to know where he was up to in his faith. God tested his faith. A faith without testing is not a faith. A faith without testing is a dead faith. A faith that wants to grow must go through a test.

Abraham was around one hundred years old and his wife was around ninety when they had their first child. Sarah couldn’t believe at her age she could give birth. The first thing in faith is to know what is impossible in man’s eyes is possible with God. Where you have doubts, or you know you will never find a solution, God wants to work here. First thing God wants you to know is all things are possible with God.

Sarah got pregnant. An older woman has a weak body. When we are weak, when we are in a situation where we can’t do things, we should know that God gives the ability for us to do what we know we should.

God promised Abraham he would receive a son, but when Ishmael was born, he couldn’t think of Isaac who wasn’t born yet. On one hand he believed, but on the other, he didn’t. Abraham had already decided to give his inheritance to Ishmael. A little bit of doubt can lead us to do something against God’s will. For example, God gives spiritual gifts. If someone is sick, and you know you should pray but you get Odon to pray instead.

When Abraham received his son and he loved him more than anything else. More than Ishmael, to the point that Isaac became like an only son. God said, “Abraham, do you really love me?” Abraham replied, “Yes”. “Give me your only child and sacrifice him for me". For the faith to grow, God always asks things that are very important. For the faith to grow, God asks for the most important things. “Give me your life.” This is not easy. For your faith to grow, you must give your faith to God.

Abraham knew he had Ishmael, but he was a servant’s child, so he didn’t love him as he should. So for him Isaac was his only child, so God asked for that. God gave him a son, and He has the power to take him back. Sometimes God asks for our life and we hesitate. Sometimes money, and we hesitate. He is the one who gave us everything – our life, our money, everything. Who are you to say no to the owner.

In order for our faith to grow we must make up our mind that, everything God will ask me to give up to make my faith grow, I will accept. We might say, “If God gave me this child, how can He ask for him back? When God gives, he never asks for it back.” But it can be a test. Abraham thought, “Yes, because it is the Lord, we must do it.” If we want our faith to be a good faith, we must obey. Obedience is better than sacrifice. When you don’t obey God, you will have a serious problem with your faith. Love is obedience, therefore love your neighbour. God saw Abraham obeyed.

God can’t ask you something that is above your faith or is impossible. If God asks you something that you think is impossible, you must remember that God will make it possible. God limits the test to our faith.

Lewis is a giant and Tua couldn’t reach him. Although Tua is strong, he forgot he was short. He had the courage, but he started wrongly. We must also have strategies when we want to get closer to God.

Abraham prepared the wood, the donkey, his servants and his son. He didn’t forget to take the knife and fire. Everything was ready. He knew he had to sacrifice his son. Eg. Zaccheus had a strategy to see Jesus by climbing a tree. We too must get a strategy. What can help me to accept what God asks of me?

When Abraham was ready to sacrifice Isaac, he left the servants, donkey etc behind. When we seek the faith, sometimes we must give up things. “Bad friends….. pride….. stay there, I want to carry on with my faith”. If you are not able to give up things, you will not have faith. You can’t be God’s minister if you don’t have faith, or a strategy to meet God. We must give up something that stops us from knowing what God wants to do.

Abraham walked three days. The son asked, “Where is the sacrifice?” Abraham, deep in his heart cried, “God will give a sacrifice.” To believe what you haven’t seen yet. When you pray, tell God and God will give the answer. “I know you will give an answer.” Believe, it’s enough. Abraham told his child that God will provide. He tied up his son and with courage lifted up his hand. When God tests us, when the situation is very hard, and we feel we are about to lose our lives, this is when God does something. When we feel forsaken, God intervenes.

He walked for three days. Abraham accepted God’s test. He thought, God will understand how hard it is to lose a child. He asked, but do I really have to. The first day he prayed and God didn’t answer. The second day he prayed, and God didn’t answer. He hoped God would say no. God didn’t answer, so maybe he thought God changed His mind. On the third day, after preparing the alter, God talked. The first and second day, he was in darkness.

Don’t give up praying if God doesn’t answer you. He leaves you to see where you will go, to see if you will change your mind. Jesus says, “Take up your cross.” If you take up your cross, you will go to the end.

The place where Abraham was to sacrifice was called Moriah, God will provide (Jehovah Jireh). In our faith, we must know that God will provide. Whatever the situation or circumstance, God will provide. God will never send you where there is no solution. God will never put you in an impossible situation. Be sure God will always be with you. It’s up to us to open our mouth and say, “Lord, we need you.”

You must make your faith grow. Our faith must grow. For the faith to grow we must go through the five steps:

1. All things are possible with God
2. When we are weak, God gives the ability
3. Make up our mind to give up everything God asks us to
4. Don’t give up praying if God doesn’t answer for one or two days
5. The Lord will Provide

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