Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Jesus Christ the Good Shepherd

by Odon Bulamba (summary only - 13th Jan, 2005)

(Psalm 23)

Good Shepherd (John 10:11)
Great Shepherd (Hebrews 13:20)
Chief of Shepherds (I Peter 5:4)

Jesus became a shepherd at the time of Israel as they needed guidance. God took us out of slavery to live as someone under a shepherd because we can’t see or know or act as God can. We don’t know the future but God does so it’s better for Him to guide us and protect us.

The shepherds of Israel’s time slept with the sheep or cattle and were with them every second do the cattle could easily become the friend of the shepherd and when the shepherd talks the cattle could listen and obey the voice. If we accept Jesus as our shepherd He will care about us and we will care about Him. He’ll defend us and we will try to defend Him.

God as our good shepherd wants us to know that when we are under His control we’ll lack nothing and whatever you need, He will give it to you. We are called to be part of the flock until the rest of our lives. A good shepherd will give his life for his sheep and Jesus died for us. We know about it but do we really belong to the flock of God. Whenever I don’t follow God’s instructions, I’m out of His flock (rebellious people). Many people know Jesus but when He talks they try to ignore Him and push Him away. We are not the masters of organizing our time but He must be the master.

Luke 12:32, “little flock” because He knows if He had a big flock He wouldn’t be able to care for them as well as a little flock and each one is more valuable if there are only a few. We forget the flock requires a big work and to get meat requires a long process from birth to growing to suffering and it’s hard to kill it. When satan steals you and makes you a sinner, God is angry because of all that He did for you.

A sheep never says no to being shorn and even if you lose everything today don’t judge God or complain but praise God (the wool grows back). When we cross difficult problems we tell God, ‘take me to heaven now’, but Jesus says, ‘be patient my sheep this is winter but after this is a new season and the cold will stop. Problems, sickness etc will exist no more if you belong to my flock’.

If you don’t know how to write the letter ‘a’, how will you write a whole word? We have to learn step by step.

You can only belong to the flock if you humiliate yourself and listen to the Word of God and practice it.


- Jesus is the Good, the Great and the Chief of Shepherds
- Jesus protects us, guides us, defends us and is close to us every second
- We must obey God, be humble and listen to the Word of God and practice it
- Remember difficult problems will end one day if we remain in God

For the full message please email:


  1. Thanks for this message M. Bhandal. Very inspired and very timely for the Church of God! God bless you. Hayley

  2. Thanks Hayley for your dedication to get the message on the website at such late hours. I just had a laughter intake when I read that the wool will grow back. How amazing the abundance of blessings just keep coming back whenever the Lord chooses. Catherine Chuah (10 Mar 2009)
