Sunday, March 15, 2009

Is the Word of God a Mirror in my Life

by Odon Bulamba (summary only - 13th Jan, 2006)

(Luke 14:16-24)

To be a soldier of Christ is easy but it requires work and commitment to decide if you’ll work for God or not.

Moses came from Mt Horeb with the 10 commandments that say don’t kill but when he saw the idol that the people were worshipping, he killed many people. The NZ government says the speed limit is 100km/hr but the police reach sometimes speeds of 160km/hr. This is because God gives you a law but then because He is (and you are) above that law, you can do something else, because you are special.

To become a soldier of God you have to first live your life according to the Word of God and ask your self, is the Word of God a mirror for my life. To live a good life in Christ you have to make the Bible your mirror. Does the Word of God reflect in my life?

Luke 14:16-24, a man invited people to supper and supper is a very important meal because it is the meal you eat before going to bed and everyone knows that if you go to bed hungry you will not sleep, some will have nightmares and children can cry. Sleep reflects death and supper represents the Word of God and we are living in the end of time and need to be fed (spiritually) before the coming of Jesus Christ.

People who were invited by that man didn’t come and Jesus invited many people but they didn’t come, ‘come, this is the food you need, the gospel, come and eat’, but they didn’t come, all of them had excuses. The biggest mistake of the world today is excuses that occupy the first place. The Word of God is there for you and I and we have to take it with great consideration.

The first category of people were the ones giving excuses, the second category (vs21) were the poor, crippled, blind and lame. The first category were in good health and had everything but they didn’t respond and today God has given us hands and feet and brains and eyes and although God has given us everything that we have, we are trying to avoid the gospel, to avoid the supper and now God will go to the poor and sick because they will never say no to food. God had put the first category of people away from danger so that they would not be forced to accept the invitation but could decide on their own conscience. How many times do you adore God when you are full of joy, or can you only think about God when you are sick or need help?

The third category accepted but there was still space and the man needed more people and told them to call the people on the street and he was angry because his invited guests has refused to come. Today God is angry with the church and with our way of living and our way of responding to His invitation. You were invited for many things, you read the Bible but what does it reflect in your life?

Galations 6:17, people don’t want to accept to destroy their physical appearance for God, e.g. if God tells you to not wear make up for some people that would be very difficult. An another example is Lot who could see all the evil things in Sodom and Gomorah but he didn’t want to sacrifice his life and his family’s life for the Word of God. He could pray in his room but couldn’t tell the people of Sodom and Gomorah what they were doing was wrong. How many times when you should speak out, you keep quiet because you don’t want to shock people or for people to judge you?

We have to find our category, where do you belong, to the poor, to the blind? When you are not able to put together things with the Word of God, you destroy your credibility. When God blesses you, if you are not using it properly He’ll take it from you. God taught us love so now we have to practice love. We have to read the Word of God and compare ourselves to it. If I’m poor it’s time to get rich and if I’m blind it’s time to get sight (spiritually).


- decide to commit your life to God
- God is above the law; therefore so are we
- the Word of God is a mirror for us; do we reflect it?

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