Friday, April 17, 2009


1 Corhinthians 13:7
To Trust

Love is like stairs; you can go up them or down them. When you don’t trust you will start to go down them.

When you lack one point of love you will also lack other points of love, they all go together and when you succeed you will easily go up another flight of stairs.

Jesus is love, He said trust in me, whoever will trust in me or believe in me will never perish.
So we can see that to trust is something very significant in the Christian life.

The opposite of trust is doubt. If you doubt it means that your trust is being attacked.

Trust is something very precious and we must protect it. Our eyes or our ears can influence our trust, it can make your faith to be in trouble. Maybe you’ll hear something about Peter that will make you doubt.

There is only one secret that can help us to trust and that’s to pray, nothing else will work. If we lose trust then we will lose love and start to go down those stairs. We must pray and fight against doubt, it must be pulled out of our lives.

Out of all the aspects of love, Satan attacks trust the most, because lack of trust brings doubt which affects our faith, James 1:6-8.
If we don’t love it will impossible to trust someone.

To Believe
To believe is to believe yourself or to believe others.

What is in me I believe, it doesn’t mean that everything I do is correct. I can believe that I am a sinner. I can do something wrong against others. If you believe you are weak then you’ll become strong, but if you think you are the strongest then you’ll fall.

You have to believe that you are a Christian, believe in the word of God, trust Him by practicing that word and live as a new creation.

Although something might happen and you’ll be weak, you will believe and recognise the need for Gods Spirit.

To believe will lead you to become a decision maker, if it’s on the side of God then you’ll become a winner, as you will be able to balance things in your life.

When you believe you are able to make a decision, you’ll be called a believer. On the other hand if you can’t make a right decision you’ll be among those who are called but few chosen. And whoever is not a believer will be removed from the group of God, eg; the man who went to the wedding without the right garment was ordered out of the party, Matt 22

Trusting others· If you have no proof that someone lies then you must trust them.
· If you have proof that someone lies then just talk to them and forgive them.
· We must not think negatively about someone or something they’ve said, especially when it is based on our thoughts.
· It doesn’t mean that we are gullible; it means that we have faith in man.
· If we discover that someone is a liar, what does the Bible tell us about that, in v6, don’t have to rejoice in that lie, but will forgive according to God’s word, v5 we don’t have to become angry.
· Trust is the attribute, which is in the centre of all the attributes of love. It will be hard to overcome the things that love doesn’t like if trust is not in the centre.
· If you put trust and belief together you’ll have faith and when you have faith you have hope, and whatever you are waiting for will be together with patience.
· So let’s be ready to believe the best of every person, let’s believe their motives are good, that they intend no injury.
· Love rejoices in the happiness and virtue of others and will not believe the contrary except on irrefutable evidence.
· So let’s pray so that our trust will be protected and that we will believe and have eternal life.


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