Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Preparing to Fast (Part III - Holy Spirit and Praise God)

We are now going to ask the Holy Spirit to lead us. As it is written in the Bible the Holy Spirit will lead us in everything we do. We are going to ask for the Holy Spirit’s presence. May the Holy Spirit be with us to teach us the truth, may He lead us into this truth, may He reveal God’s glory for us, may He show us what is going to come and may He tell us what He has received from Jesus.

This is written in John 14:16. Let us lift up our hands and ask for the Holy Spirit. Tell the Lord, “I have Your spirit in me and I know that Your power is in me, so use this power in me to pray”. Lift up your hands and open your voice.

We are going to ask God for strength over darkness. Ask God to give you the strength over thirst and ask God for strength to win over hunger so that you can fight for God’s glory. Ask God to take away all distractions so that your thoughts cannot escape from this house. Let’s pray.

We are going to hold hands and ask for God’s presence. Then we are going to praise Him. Tell Him all that you want so His name can be lifted up. He is a great God, He is a powerful God, so just tell Him, “Lord, You are a powerful God and I know it”. If He has done anything in your life or if He has done anything in your families’ life it is now time to praise Him, because the testimony you give to God is called praise.

Praising God is telling Him of all the testimonies He has done. If He has freed you from something then praise Him. After you have praised God then thank Him. Let’s pray.

Now pray for each one who is present and those who are not. Pray that God will transform each one. Lay hands on the person you pray for.

Now thank the Lord for the way you have prayed. Thank the Lord for the hands that were on you. Ask God, “may You do something in my life because I received something, so do not let me go back in my spiritual life”. Let’s pray.

We are now going to thank God for the few minutes we have been together. Thank Him for starting something and that we are now ready to begin our journey. Because everybody is healthy we are ensured that we will stay together until the end. Let’s pray.

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