Monday, September 7, 2009

The Mountain (part III)

By Odon Bulamba (summary only)

As Christians we work hard to save money and go overseas, but to work hard for our spiritual life is a problem, and this is what destroys our mountain. If you want to see the whole of Hamilton city you will not go to the lowest peak in the city but you will go to the highest point of the city, because when you are high you can see everything. This is what God wants in us. He wants us to be the highest mountain. Whenever He comes in us He wants to see all the gifts or the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives. However, if God can only see one side of your mountain, you have to climb another mountain, which is not an easy task.

Climbing a mountain requires a path. A mountain has a lot of ways or paths by which you can take. These ways are called educators. You can have 1000 ways up a mountain but all have one destination. We must know as Christians, which way we are taking in our lives.

The Bible has different ways as well, don’t steal, don’t lie, don’t hate etc are all ways God puts on our path. God puts these educators in different corners of the mountain, but they all have one goal and that is to please God and inherit His kingdom. When you start climbing a mountain make sure you find the right path so you will not have to go back down because this is a waste of time and energy. Whenever you get the occasion to do something good don’t hesitate, don’t say I’ll do it tomorrow because you don’t know if you’ll be alive. If you find time to pray then pray!

There are different types of mountains but they usually fall into two categories. Mountains that are just mud, dust or what we call earth; the other category is a rocky mountain. The mountain that is made up of dust and mud will be destroyed by heavy rain without any problem, why, because there are no rocks to hold it together. Mountains made with solid rock won’t move at all. Also on a rocky mountain eagles make their nests and live on it, but the mountain made of dust and mud is not a good place for an eagle to dwell. An eagle represents God. Eagles live on top of mountains and not any mountain but one that is solid rock. Jesus gave us an example with Peter; On Peter Jesus built His church. If Peter had a stony or dusty mountain in his heart, Jesus could not build on it. We must be strong in our faith and God will live on top of our life. He’ll accept your life to be His life as Jesus said in Rev 3:20.

Some Christians are Christians just physically. You can be baptised and go to church every Sunday but inside of you is just the fruit of the flesh. Their mountain is not rocky but dusty, and what does the dust represent? The dust represents our bodies or flesh. You may think you are a good Christian but it is God who checks the deep thoughts of the heart. When rain comes it can mean a blessing, a curse or the power of God, but when the time of testing or temptation comes they fall apart because of the pressure.

When it rains the mountain made with stones and mud crumbles to the ground, and these stones can’t go back to where they were and it’s not easy for that stone to occupy its same position it once had. When a Christian sins it’s not easy for them to humiliate themselves in order for them to go back to their right position. Instead of confessing or asking people to forgive them they decide to run away and break the relationship with that person or the church. They run away accusing and judging that person or church.

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