Monday, September 28, 2009

Do These Things for Jesus

By Odon Bulamba (summary only - 13th April, 07 -by Benedicte Bahjejian)

If you don’t do these things for people,
you don’t do them for Jesus

‘For I was hungry, and you gave me nothing to eat;
I was thirsty and you gave nothing to drink;
I was a stranger and you did not invite me in;
Naked and you did not clothe me;
Sick and in prison, and you did not visit me.’

Matthew 25:43-45

I was hungry…
In this life, we are so blessed with everything: clothes, food. Food is the most important thing in life because if we don’t eat, we can’t survive. And what happens when we don’t have food? We die. In Africa, parents cannot punish children by not giving them food, it’s like a crime.
If God didn’t give us food everyday, we would die. The Church is crossing a hard time because the pastors are always talking with jokes and anecdotes.

If you have faith & good actions & the Word of God, you can feed a good number of people.
People are hungry for the Word of God, and we do not feed them. Some people don’t even know what food is. Who will feed them? We have already been fed a lot by God.

Jesus is the bread of life, and you have to share Him with those who are hungry.

I was thirsty
The Word of God is water. Water is everywhere in NZ, no need to pay for it. And we, people of God, we are full of water. Some people are dehydrated, but we bring them superficial food, not the real water from God.

• Many people think they are free & do anything that they want, for they think that God is not watching them. We need to care about others’ souls. The Holy Spirit is there to spread the Word.
• When visitors are coming to my house, I need to quench their thirst, give them water, give them the Word of God because I love them.
• Sometimes we tell people, ‘If you want food, make a fire here or there’ and we completely destroy them.

I was a stranger
We have to care for strangers, sick people. Not reject them because they have been living in darkness. Make friends with them, don’t think, “I am a businessman, he is mechanic, I can’t have a relationship with him or I am rich, he is poor or I am white, he is black”, etc.
Discrimination is a big problem in the Church, we create differences and show favouritism.
Also, we go to people only when we have needs, after that, we forget about them.

We have received a cheque from God, what do we do with it? We need to welcome people into the kingdom of God.

I was naked, I needed clothes
To be naked means not to live by the Word of God. When Adam and Eve sinned, God didn’t reject them, he came down & covered their nakedness with clothes which means He helped them to understand what they did wrong & to forgive them. Do we also cover people’s sins? I will defend him & help him. Don’t criticize them, but help them.
I was sick & in prison &you didn’t care for me

All of us, we are sick because we are sinners. Who is taking care of whom? Sick people think they are alone because no one visits them & takes care of them.
People are dying because of wrong messages, and we are here, looking to fulfil our selfish desires & security. God will come to harvest the fruit of our work.

Conclusion: If you are not feeding, quenching, welcoming or taking care of others, you are not doing it to Jesus, so forget about the kingdom of God. If you’re not on the right path, you’re on the wrong one. It is an alarm from God: we need to stand up and to do the work of God.

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