Friday, May 8, 2009

The Samaritan Woman (part III)

John 4

The 2nd food of Jesus was to do the work that had been given to him. Are we doing the work that has been given to us? It will be hard when Christ comes back and asks you, “from five coins, what have you produced”? What will you tell God that day? Will you tell God, “I put it under my carpet so that I might not be condemned tomorrow?”

God will never accept that because he said whoever will be given some and doesn’t produce anything from it, God will take it away from you and you will not enter the Kingdom of God. Many people say that grace is sufficient and “my name is already in the book of life” but we have to work and work and work.

If we don't work, we don't feed Jesus because he said this is His food, to fulfil God's will. Many people today don't want to work and Paul said whoever doesn't work is not entitled to eat. This is the Word of God which a message for us that if we don’t work spiritually, we don’t have the right to eat spiritually. Those who eat the Word of God, and those who take the blessings from God without working are against the Word of God. One day God will ask you, “why did you take the blessings while you didn't work?” It’s the same with tithing; God gives you the money and he is in the corner waiting for you to give tithe and if you don't give it you become a thief and automatically you are condemned and judged as a thief and many people will pay the price for that dearly.

I don't know any business company that would keep you employed if you don't work. I don't know if there is such a boss who would keep employing you doing nothing in your office. I can assure you that without work you cannot please Jesus so let's make an effort to please Jesus. Let’s work. This work is a personal work.

What kind of work do I do? And to whom do I do it? And what is the kind of work that I do in the church? And if I don't do it, why don't I do it? You must have a reason to justify yourself.

One day in the church children were playing around the chair on the altar that was reserved for the pastor. While the children were playing, they accidently broke one of the feet of the chair. One of the children decided to take the broken foot and place it back under the chair and they believed it was perfect and nobody would know. They agreed to keep it a secret because they thought they will be in trouble if they say something.

The next Sunday a great bishop was coming to this church and the pastor said this chair (which is the chair of honor) is where the bishop will sit. Every Sunday, different peole in the church take turns to look after the things of the church. The next Sunday, before the bishop arrived, a brother and sister in the Lord came to check everything inside the church and everything looked fine so they turned around and walked out.

When the bishop was there with his big hat and his robe, he blessed the church and then he was given the chair. He looked around and sat down. When he sat down, the foot came out and the chair fell down. They came to pick it up it was too late, what a shame in front of all these Christians in front of thousands of Christians, a Bishop who falls down because of one negligent thing of a Christian. The pastor looked around and wondered what's going to happen and who was to blame. There was no chair to replace this one and the bishop lost his joy.

After the service the pastor said I must know who organised the chair. The brother and sister said, “we looked at it yesterday and it wasn't broken”. But the truth was, they didn’t look properly, they didn’t even touch it. This is the kind of mistakes that we make in churches; we destroy things and we replace them to give an appearance that looks like truth so that when Jesus comes in our lives and He wants to sit down; He sometimes falls down and we ridicule Him in front of the world.


- We must do the work that God gives to us
- We must give our tithes to God
- Ask yourself, what do I do for God? What do I do for church?
- Keep the truth

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