Sunday, May 3, 2009

Building a True Church

By Odon Bulamba

(Psalm 133)

Here David was talking about living in unity between brothers and sisters and that it is not a materialistic unity to gain money but it is about Jesus.

John 17:23, whenever we are in unity although we might be sinners, slowly we can become perfect. If you repent and you accept to forgive, people will see you are really perfect and although problems can be among you, you can continue in unity because of forgiveness. Usually people want to avoid problems with others and so keep a distance or break the relationship altogether but God is looking at us to see if there is unity and how can there be unity if we don’t forgive (Mark 11:25) or accept the mistakes we make?

It’s very pleasant to see people in unity and it always starts with being in unity with each other and then with God and then with the Word of God. How do we make unity? By knowing the needs of others (Mat 27) it is easy to understand and to forgive and to support or lead the person in the right way.

Jesus broke the bread to share with others to bring unity and when we have something why don’t we share it? When I have many pairs of shoes why don’t I share with someone who has none or when I understand the Bible why don’t I share it with others?

If you want unity with someone you have to keep that relationship clean and how do you keep it clean? If you lose the habit of praying you will gain gossip and if you lose the habit of reading the Bible you will find information from the television and if you lose the have of being with God, you will find satan to be your friend. Most people can only make physical unity but not spiritual unity (we can visit the sick but don’t pray for them).

To meet together as a church on Sunday is good but it requires us to be prepared as priests and to accept the anointment of God on us and then people will start to see the anointment flowing down. We need the Holy Spirit acting in our lives and we must be in unity. We must love our enemies and pray for them and then God will manifest Himself among us. Don’t neglect yourself, get ready and tell God to make you ready. We are priests of God so how will we look after that priesthood? We need unity and that unity will take us to a place where the world will be shaken.

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