Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Power of Redemption (Part III)

By Odon Bulamba (summary only)

One day the church will be raised up and will start judging the world. I don’t know if there is a lawyer who doesn’t know the law. I don’t know if there are lawyers who don’t respect the law. So why do lawyers respect the law? Because there are penalties if you don’t and also you will be a hypocrite. If you are a lawyer and you don’t respect the law, you are a hypocrite. If you are a lawyer and you don’t respect the law, you won’t have any client’s coming to you. Even the judge won’t believe you.

We Christians are the lawyers of this earth. Jesus chose us and made us in His image. He gave us the power of redemption to give the gospel to others, to talk to them about the divine law. And people will ask us “What does the law say?” And I say don’t do that, that and that because one day the Judge will judge you. Amen! And if you don’t live according to the law, it’s time to wake up because the Bible speaks about the law. The Bible says He paid the price for you and you have to help others know the law.

Psalm 107:1&2, “Oh, give thanks to the Lord for He is good, For His loving kindness is everlasting, Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, whom He has redeemed from the hand of the adversary.”

We are the ones whom God has redeemed therefore we must give thanks to God and praise Him. For us who have been saved and know the power of redemption, we must say Halleluiah at each moment. Who has received redemption among us? So if you have received it, you are entitled to say Halleluiah. You have to proclaim it everywhere.

I will give you an example - in the Arabic tribes you will find in a community, 25,000 people called Ahmed. And first names and surnames are all together. And if you call Ahmed 25 people will come. And if you say the surname, all 25 people will say that’s my surname and they are from different families. But there is only one name that God uses - that is redeemed people. That’s what it is for us Christians. David is redeemed, Moses is redeemed, you and me are too because we are under the power of redemption.

Hebrews 9:12 You did not enter by means of the blood of goats or calves but He entered the most Holy place once for all by His own blood having obtained eternal redemption.

So our redemption is eternal. It’s not a six month redemption like how we sign a work contract and after two years you have to sign it again. It’s an eternal contract. So if you are saved it’s eternal. Jesus paid for your eternal life. It’s not the blood of goat or a cow but it’s His own blood, a pure blood without any disease and without the virus of sin. It’s a very pure blood. A blood that gives life and this blood is a pact agreement between us and God.

Jesus gave us eternal life, eternal salvation. So you brothers and sisters, try to avoid having a four month salvation. Many people might say, “I was a Christian when I was 18 and I remember singing and doing God’s work, but now I am tired and my body is old” - NO - push yourself and ask God for strength that you might keep this salvation eternally.

We are here at Sylvie’s place and it’s very cold and our brother has $20 in his pocket and I say because it’s very cold I will light the fire but I don’t have any newspaper. So I ask my brother to give me $20 to start the fire. Would you give this to me? I don’t think so!!! To give the $20 is a big problem! So we must not allow our salvation to be burnt by the devil. We must not give it to the devil and tell him to start the fire of sin in our lives. When the devil comes, send him somewhere else. Ask him to go elsewhere. Tell the devil not to waste his time here but to go elsewhere because I won’t give you any room.

- Live and teach others the law of the Bible (we are lawyers of this earth)
-Praise God He has redeemed you (at every moment)
- Keep your redemption for eternity (don't give up)

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