Sunday, June 5, 2016

Communion - God's love never fails

By Hayley Boud

In 1 Corinthians 13:4-8, we see the attributes of love and when we look at these we can see that God Himself is love.  He is patient and kind, is not selfish etc.  This week I have been thinking about the attribute of love, "Love never fails".  God is love and therefore, God never fails.

If God never fails, that means He is always successful.  He was succesful when He left Heaven to become a man.  He was successful because He came in the body of a man but did not sin.  That success meant that He was able to be the sacrifice for our sins.  He was successful when He chose the cross (not my will but Yours be done).  He was successful because of His great love for us which never fails.

This morning we sang a song that said, "calvary has covered it all, my sin and shame, don't count anymore".  Love covers all things and by shedding His blood, Jesus has covered our sin and shame and now the Father doesn't count our sin anymore.  All because of His great love that never fails.

As we take the bread and juice this morning, we will remember the love that God has for us.  This love that never fails.  We will remember Jesus, this God that is always successful.  We will thank Him for His love for us that enabled Him to endure the cross (love endures all things) and we will praise Him for He was successful as a man, successful in not sinning, successful in enduring the cross and He was succesful in rising from the dead.  Let's worship God for He never fails.

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