Saturday, July 11, 2009

The Basics of Christianity (part III)

By Odon Bulamba (summary only)

To be born again we must be born of water and spirit. To be born of water is to be born in God’s Word, this is what we are doing now. The Bible is the gathering of Holy books put together by God Himself through man. When God wrote the Ten Commandments in Moses’ time some people didn’t believe that God wrote it with His hand. They said, “How can we know Moses didn’t write on the stone? Even today people are inspired by the Holy Spirit and write on God’s behalf. Some people also say the Bible is an ordinary book and the author just thinks of things and writes them down, this is how the world thinks. We must know however, the Bible is the Word of God.

John 17:17, sanctify them by the truth, your word is the truth. Amen!

The Word of God is the truth; this means that the Word we read is the truth. New birth is to be born of water and we know that this water is the Word of God and this word is the truth. So what is the truth? Jesus Christ! Amen. The Bible says Jesus Christ is the truth,

John 14:6, I am the way, the truth, and the life, no one comes to the Father except by me.

Jesus Christ is the truth. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. God works in three parts. This is what we usually call the trinity. When I see Marcia here she has three parts to her body, the body, soul and spirit. Jesus’ cross had three parts as well. When a child is born there are three steps. When mum gives birth there is water, blood then life and the three always go together. So as for the Word, God has said, “I am the Word”. The Bible is not only scripture but also power and the bases of this is our faith. We are talking about the truth, which is Jesus Christ.

The Bible says there is another part to the divinity. 1 John 5:6 says the Holy Spirit is the truth. When Jesus left He said, “I will send you the Holy Spirit and He will teach you the truth”. So instead of the Holy Spirit teaching us the truth, we read that the Holy Spirit is the truth. John 6:63 it is the Spirit that gives life, the flesh profits nothing, and the words I give you are Spirit and life. Amen.

Jesus words are spirit and life because Jesus Himself is the truth and the life. So what Word is in our lives? The Word of God creates and in the beginning God made everything by His Word. Today man can create by his using words. For example, a parent can curse a child and this child will be cursed, so God gave us a power in our words. So God is Spirit, “the words that I give you are spirit and life”. This Word is not for the dead but for those who have life. Do we have the right to do something according to this Word or not? Does God allow us to be completely free? It is true that we have been set free by the will of God but this freedom doesn’t allow us to do what displeases God. This Word of God doesn’t allow us to make a new political party, and this freedom doesn’t allow us to oppose God. To be free in God means to be His slave, this is what freedom is for God. What we think is freedom, is slavery for God. You can say “I am free to smoke or drink” but Jesus will tell you that you are just a slave to darkness. When you take the word of God and start submitting to what God says, you’ll feel in you that you are becoming a slave, but when this happens, God will say you are free because you don’t sin anymore. Amen.

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