Monday, July 6, 2009

Overcome Temptations

By Hayley Boud

We all have temptations. Satan knows exactly what tempts us and uses it. He knows Hayley is impatient for example. He knows who loves to sleep, or who loves food, or who loves T.V. or who of us are selfish, or who worries, or who loves money. He knows how to get us to sin.

1 Cor 10:13
“Temptation” = a trial to prove if you are good or bad. A test to see if you follow satan or Jesus Christ.

If God puts a trial in front of us, it’s because He believes we will prove ourselves to be righteous. If satan tempts us, it’s to make us fall and prove that we belong to him and not to Jesus. So we have to remember that whenever there is a temptation, it is just a test and that we must pass it and prove ourselves to be followers of Jesus. Also remember that satan won’t attack you with the same temptation 1000 times if you don’t fall. If he attacks you once and you don’t fall, and he tries again and you still don’t fall, then he will learn that that strategy doesn’t work on you and he will try a new one. So don’t forget that when you are tempted. Remember that if you don’t give in, then satan will stop tempting you in that area.

“Common to man” = meaning every temptation that you have faced is actually common. It’s not a new sin. Thousands before you have made the same mistake and thousands do it every day. That also means that thousands before you have won that battle and so can you.

Also, because it is so common, it means there are common ways to overcome it. For example, if my sin is sleeping in too long; set the alarm. It’s a common and easy solution. Or if my sin is negative thoughts; then stand up and distract myself. Or if my sin is eating too much chocolate; then don’t start. It’s a common solution that many people use.

But it requires a decision and we have to stick to it.

“God is faithful” = when you are facing a temptation, remind God that He is faithful and pray for His support.

“He provides an escape” = we just have to take the escape and remember that He is providing it. Too many times I’ve seen the escape but haven’t taken it and I carried on until I sinned.

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