Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Jesus Christ

By Odon Bulamba (summary only - 17th May, 09)

"Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani" - which means, "my God, my God why have you abandoned me?" Mathew 27:46

While Jesus was on the cross He was completely alone. People forgot what He had done in the past for them. They forgot the way He had raised the dead and healed the sick. All the good He did was put aside.

Sometimes we believe God abandons us. Although He is looking at us and watching us but He doesn't accept to do exactly what I want. Sometimes I need money but there isn't any. Sometimes I need friends but there isn't any. Sometimes I try with all my power to find a solution but I can't. I can study hard at university but still won't find a job. Or I can find work but the salary I get doesn't pay the bills. I can be abandoned by money, abandoned by joy, and by peace. Everything can abandon me and this is the time that I will get attacked by sickness or other problems.

Everybody has struggled at one point or another in their lives. Sometimes we shout to God but He keeps silent. When we look around, we can see others receiving all the blessings and they aren't even Christians.

We have to understand that our lives don't depend on our own thoughts. I can have a plan but God might have a different plan. When things go wrong, just stand firm and know this is a step that will end oneday. Just keep your faith and don't try to find a solution from somewhere else. The best solution comes from God.

God offers us the Bible but we don't have time to read it but if we don't read it, how will we know the truth. The solution to our problems can be found in the Bible but how will we find it, unless we read. When we feel abandoned, we must read the Bible to find the solution but usually we just complain.

We must support each other during hard times. When people feel abandoned, we have to support that person. How much do you care for others when they are going through hardship? Will you be happy to be abandoned? God will ask you oneday, "what did you do on earth?" Will you be able to say you spent your life serving Him? How many times is God's glory in your life per day?


When you feel abandoned by God or people remember:
- It's just a step that will end one day
- God's plans are sometimes different to ours
- God's solution is the best
- Support each other

For the full message please email: littlebethlehem@windowslive.com

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